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Disable NetBIOS over TCPIP via command-line

List the interfaces with:
wmic nicconfig get caption,index,TcpipNetbiosOptions

Use the Index number to reference the interface and set TcpipNetbiosOptions to 2:
wmic nicconfig where index=1 call SetTcpipNetbios 2

SetTcpopNetbios option:
0 - Use NetBIOS setting from the DHCP server
1 - Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
2 - Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP

Use the interactive:off parameter so it can be used in script, e.g.
wmic /interactive:off nicconfig where index=1 call SetTcpipNetbios 2

To turn off NetbBIOS over TCP/IP for all interfaces, run the following commands:
wmic /interactive:off nicconfig where TcpipNetbiosOptions=0 call SetTcpipNetbios 2
wmic /interactive:off nicconfig where TcpipNetbiosOptions=1 call SetTcpipNetbios 2

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