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Integrating Citrix Receiver 4

To be able to use an insecure (HTTP) StoreFront server:  Source

64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\

In Dazzle, set AllowAddStore value to A to allow users to add non-secure stores.
Or, set AllowSavePwd value to A to allow users to save their passwords for non-secure stores.

To add a store that is configured in StoreFront with a TransportType of HTTP, add the following value in AuthManager:
Name: ConnectionSecurityModeValue Type: REG_SZ
Value: Any

Exit and restart Receiver.

To remove the SelfService Store (a.k.a. the "green window"):  Source

Method 1: Adding /SELFSERVICEMODE=False to the installation command line parameter.
Method 2: HKLM\Software\Citrix\Dazzle\EnableSelfService[REG_SZ}=False

By disabling the SelfServiceStore, you will see that the Open is replaced by Refresh in the Receiver notification tray context menu:

Enable Disconnect/Reconnect buttons in Receiver for Web/Self Service: Source

  1. Browse to: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\[StoreName]Web
  2. Open web.config
  3. Modify  ShowReconnectAtLogon=”false" to ShowReconnectAtLogon=”true” 
  4. Modify ShowDisconnectButton=”false” to “showDisconnectButton=”true”

Remove Shortcuts at Logoff:


Remove Shortcuts at Receiver Exit


Notable SelfService.exe Command Line Parameters: Source  

-ShowAppPicker: Launches the main UI or "app picker dialog"
-logon: Starts the logon sequence
-logoff: Logs off the current user from the stores; no apps available in the app picker dialog
-reconnectapps: Look into WSCReconnectMode, which causes the Receiver to reconnect during Windows logon.
-dump: creates a dump.xml in %localappdata%\Citrix\SelfService folder.

Disable First Time Run (FTU) and Add Account: Source

To disable the following FTU dialog from appearing after logging in or starting the Receiver, do the following:
User-added image

The Add Account dialog is similar:

FTU Screen Only: Method 1a (Receiver 4.4 or later)
Rename CitrixReceiver.exe to CitrixReceiverWeb.exe before installing it (case sensitive)

Note: Applies to current user only

FTU Screen Only: Method 1b (Receiver 4.3 or earlier, or Method 1a for another user)



Add Account: Receiver 4.4 or later
Through Receiver.ADM/ADMX
Scope > Administrative Templates > Citrix Components > Citrix Receiver > Self Service > EnableFTU



Note: Applies to HKEY_CURRENT_USER too.

Add Account: Receiver 4.3 or earlier
Install CitrixReceiver.exe with the ALLOWADDSTORE=N argument.






How to Programmatically manage the Citrix Receiver Self-Service Plug-In
Carl Stalhood: Installing Receiver

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