Quick Tip: Run NGEN.EXE before sealing an image
Although mentioned in passing by CTX125874 (How To Optimize XenDesktop Machines), here are the steps that you need to run to speed things up.
To run it and see progress:
C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Frameworkxx\vX.X.XXXXX\ngen.exe update /force
To determine progress, but no indication on when it will complete:
C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Frameworkxx\vX.X.XXXXX\ngen.exe queue status

Note: If you run NGEN from the v4 directory, it will perform the job for v2 as well.
To run it and see progress:
C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Frameworkxx\vX.X.XXXXX\ngen.exe update /force
To determine progress, but no indication on when it will complete:
C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Frameworkxx\vX.X.XXXXX\ngen.exe queue status
Note: If you run NGEN from the v4 directory, it will perform the job for v2 as well.
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