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XenDesktop PoSh script to enurate sessions and respond accordingly


asnp Citrix* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Receive-Info
  process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor DarkGreen }

function Receive-Warning
  process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red}

$ActiveSessions = Get-BrokerSession -Filter {(SessionState -eq "Active")} | Sort-Object -Property MachineName

Write-Output ("*** Total Active Sessions: " + ($ActiveSessions | measure).Count + " ***")
ForEach ($BrokerSession in $ActiveSessions)
  # Check to see if the user has had the session In-Use for an unusually long time (2 hrs)
  $TimeInState = New-TimeSpan -Start ([datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime) -End (Get-Date)
  $TimeInStateHrs = [math]::Round($TimeInState.TotalHours,2)
  if ($TimeInStateHrs -gt 4)
    Write-Output ($BrokerSession.UserName `
    + " on " + $BrokerSession.MachineName `
    + "(" + [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($BrokerSession.DNSName) + ")" `
    + ", Connected:" + [datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime `
    + "; UID:" + $BrokerSession.UID `
    + ";" + $TimeInStateHrs + " hrs") | Receive-Warning
    Write-Output ("Disconnecting Session " + $BrokerSession.SessionUid) | Receive-Warning
    Disconnect-BrokerSession -InputObject $BrokerSession -Verbose
    # Stop-BrokerSession -InputObject $BrokerSession -Verbose
    Write-Output ($BrokerSession.UserName `
    + " on " + $BrokerSession.MachineName `
    + "(" + [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($BrokerSession.DNSName) + ")" `
    + ", Connected:" + [datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime `
    + "; UID:" + $BrokerSession.UID `
    + ";" + $TimeInStateHrs + " hrs") | Receive-Info
  # Check for to see if Event 1039 occurred since the last time the user was able to successfully log in or reconnect
  $CriticalEvents = Get-WinEvent -Computer $BrokerSession.DNSName -FilterHashTable @{LogName="Application";ProviderName="Citrix Desktop Service";Id=1039} -EA SilentlyContinue

  if ((($CriticalEvents | measure).Count) -gt 0)
    Write-output ("Event 1039 occurred " + ($CriticalEvents | measure).Count + " times")
    ForEach ($CriticalEvent in $CriticalEvents)
      Write-Output ([datetime]$CriticalEvent.TimeCreated) | Receive-Info
      if ([datetime]$CriticalEvent.TimeCreated -gt [datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime)
        Write-Output ("Event " + $CriticalEvent.Id + " on " + [datetime]$CriticalEvent.TimeCreated + " occured AFTER reconnecting @ " + [datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime)
        Write-Output ("Resetting Session " + $BrokerSession.SessionUid) | Receive-Warning
        Disconnect-BrokerSession -InputObject $BrokerSession -Verbose
        Stop-BrokerSession -InputObject $BrokerSession -Verbose
Write-Output ("*** End Report for " + ($ActiveSessions | measure).Count + " active sessions ***")

# Check for Disconnected sessions beyond 3 hrs
$DiscSessions = Get-BrokerSession -Filter {(SessionState -eq "Disconnected")} | Sort-Object -Property MachineName

Write-Output ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------") | Receive-Info
Write-Output ("*** Total Disconnected Sessions: " + ($DiscSessions | measure).Count + " ***")
ForEach ($BrokerSession in $DiscSessions)
  # Check to see if the user has had the session In-Use for an unusually long time (2 hrs)
  $TimeInState = New-TimeSpan -Start ([datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime) -End (Get-Date)
  $TimeInStateHrs = [math]::Round($TimeInState.TotalHours,2)
  if ($TimeInStateHrs -gt 3)
    Write-Output ($BrokerSession.UserName `
    + " on " + $BrokerSession.MachineName `
    + "(" + [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($BrokerSession.DNSName) + ")" `
    + ", Connected:" + [datetime]$BrokerSession.SessionStateChangeTime `
    + "; UID:" + $BrokerSession.UID `
    + ";" + $TimeInStateHrs + " hrs") | Receive-Warning
    Write-Output ("Resetting Session " + $BrokerSession.SessionUid) | Receive-Warning
    Disconnect-BrokerSession -InputObject $BrokerSession -Verbose
    Stop-BrokerSession -InputObject $BrokerSession -Verbose
Write-Output ("*** End Report for " + ($DiscSessions | measure).Count + " Disconnected sessions ***")
Write-Output ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------") | Receive-Info

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