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List Citrix VDAs based on LoadIndex and Session Count

Many administrators have asked for some assistance on a simple real-time LoadIndex report to give them a quick view of the load state of their Citrix CVAD envrionments. Yes, Citrix Director has improved significantly, and even have custom reports to automate, but sometimes a simple, immediate glance is what's needed.

Get-BrokerMachine -MaxRecordCount 1000
  Where-Object LoadIndex -ne $null
  Format-Table -Property MachineName, LoadIndex, LoadIndexes, SessionCount -AutoSize


Get-BrokerMachine -MaxRecordCount 1000 
  Where-Object {($_.LoadIndex -ne $null) -or ($_.LoadIndex -gt 0)}
  Format-Table -Property MachineName, LoadIndex, LoadIndexes, SessionCount -AutoSize

Other Examples

The Following sample will report the LoadIndex and Session Count of a subset of machines and sorted by Delivery Group Name. I threw in a Sort-Object for example's sake:
Get-BrokerMachine -MaxRecordCount 1000 |
  Where-Object -Property DesktopGroupName -like dg* |
  Sort-Object -Property DesktopGroupName |
  Format-Table MachineName, LoadIndex, Sessioncount -GroupBy DesktopGroupName -AutoSize

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