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Mapped Printers do not appear in Devices and Printers Control Panel Applet


1. Occurs in Windows Server 2016.
2. Mapped printers do not appear in the Devices and Printers Control Panel Applet.
3. You can see the mapped printers in the common print dialog, e.g. Notepad > File > Print... menu.
4. You can see the mapped printers in Powershell (Get-Printer | Select Name).
5. You can map the printer using Powershell (Add-Printer -ConnectionName \\srv1\printer1).
6. You can see the printers via running the command: C:\Windows\explorer.exe ::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D


1. Enable Prevent device metadata retrieval from the Internet GPO setting (Computer > Administrative Templates > System) .
2. Restart the Device Setup Manager (DsmSvc) service.
3. Create a shortcut to the Printers shell window (see Symptoms above).

Other Notes

Ensure that the Device Installation Services' startups are configured in the following manner:
- Device Association Service | Manual (Trigger Start)
- Device Install Service | Manual (Trigger Start)
- Device Management Enrollment Service | Manual
- Device Setup Manager | Manual (Trigger Start)
- DevQuery Background Discovery Broker | Manual (Trigger Start)

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