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Disabling Adobe Acrobat DC (and Reader DC) Automatic Updates


Another oldie. But one of those tasks that have to be done in every VDI/EUC environment. 

As the title suggests, the following are the steps required to disable the Auto-Update functionality that's enabled by default.


Registry Keys

Determine which registry keys you need to set.
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Policies\Adobe\(product name)\(version)\FeatureLockdown]
"bUpdater "=dword:00000000
; Equivalent to UI Preferences > Updater || Help > Check for Updates
; Note: Overrides Mode reg value below

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe ARM\Legacy\(product name)\(product code)]
; 0 or 1 will not download or install apps automatically
; 2 will download updates but let the user choose to install them
; 3 will automatically download and install the updates
; 4 will notify the user that updates are available for download and installation
; Equivalent to UI Preferences > Updater > Automatically install updates

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe ARM\Legacy\(product name)\(product code)]
; Only use this if Mode is set to 2 and above
; Check setting specifies the duration between update checks in days.

Disable the Adobe Updater Scheduled Task and Service

Run the following PowerShell commands to disable the corresponding task and service.

Disable-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Adobe Acrobat Update Task"
Set-Service -Name AdobeARMservice -Status Stopped -StartupType Disabled


Consider including the recommended tasks as part of a sealing script as they tend to be forgotten whenever a valid update is done to the master image.

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