Windows 10 freezes when Topaz Signature Pad is connected
When connecting to a Citrix MCS-provisioned Windows 10 desktop, the OS will stop responding shortly after the Topaz Signature Pad is connected. The virtual desktop was non-persistent and the event logs were not being redirected to a persistent store.
Surprisingly, the Master Image does NOT experience the non-responsive behavior when published and connected in the same manner.
This behavior is due to Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and can be disabled with the following command (when run from an Administrative Command Prompt):
Bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
Note: Whenever possible, use Boot to BIOS instead of Boot to EFI on the cloned target systems.
Other Resources
Topaz Troubleshooting Guide:
Topaz Installation Guide for Remote Environments:
Topaz How-To Guide for Epic Users:
Citrix How-To Guide for Topaz sigPlus:
Disable Driver Signature Enforcement:
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