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Get RD License Server Information from a Citrix Session Host

In order to host Citrix sessions on a Windows Server Operating System, Microsoft Remote Desktop License Servers and having the Citrix VDAs consume licenses from those servers, are required.

The normal configuration is to do so in Group Policy, here are a few ways to validate that the configuration has taken effect.


Most comprehensive, but requires the feature to be installed.

Powershell Commands:

$obj = gwmi -namespace "Root/CIMV2/TerminalServices" Win32_TerminalServiceSetting
$obj.GetRegisteredLicenseServerList() | select -ExpandProperty RegisteredLSList

Get list of registered RD servers from Active Directory

C:\> dsquery * -filter "(&(CN=TermServLicensing)(objectClass=serviceConnectionPoint))"

NOTE: Do not use Get-RDLicenseServerConfiguration

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