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PS> Determine Citrix MCS Machine Catalog Info

Script: Get-MCInfo

Add-PSSnapin citrix*

$MachineCatalogs = Get-BrokerCatalog
$MCList = @()
$Item = 0


# List the Machine Catalogs for user selection
Write-Host "  Item `tMachine Catalog" -ForegroundColor Green
foreach ($MC in $MachineCatalogs) {
    "`t" + ($Item++).ToString() + "`t" + $MC.Name
    $MCList += $MC.Name

Write-Host "Please enter the number corresponding to the Machine Catalog: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
[int]$MCNumber = Read-Host

if (-Not($MCNumber -ge 0 -and $MCNumber -le $MCList.GetUpperBound(0))) {
    Write-Host "Invalid Number. Please try again. ($MCNumber)"

# Display the Machine Catalog Info
$MachineCatalog = $MCList[$MCNumber]
Get-ProvScheme -ProvisioningSchemeName $MachineCatalog |
    Format-List -Property @{Name = "Machine Catalog"; Expression = {$_.IdentityPoolName}},
    @{Name = "Catalog ID"; Expression = {$_.IdentityPoolUid}},
    @{Name = "Non Persistent"; Expression = {$_.CleanOnBoot}},
    @{Name = "CPU per Machine"; Expression = {$_.CpuCount}},
    @{Name = "Image Disk Size (GB)"; Expression = {$_.DiskSize}},
    @{Name = "WriteBack Memory Cache (GB)"; Expression = {$_.WriteBackCacheMemeorySize}},
    @{Name = "WriteBack Disk Cache (GB)"; Expression = {$_.WriteBackCacheDiskSize}},
    @{Name = "Machine Count"; Expression = {$_.MachineCount}},
    @{Name = "Master Image Date Stamp"; Expression = {$_.MasterImageVMDate}},
    @{Name = "Image SnapShot"; Expression = {$_.MasterImageVM}}

Write-Host "Hit [ENTER] to continue"

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