PS: Obtain a list of users from an AD Group, and include their Department name
Part 1 of 3
You'll find countless examples of derivatives in the web, but for the task at hand, I needed to provide a list of users who are members of a specific VDI group so we could prioritize which users to revoke access to an older VDI environment that was being phased out.By obtaining the business units and departments, we can:
1. Understand the impact and identify potential risks associated with revoking access, such as the schedules, applications, tolerance for service interruptions, etc.
2. Tailor a message that would resonate with the department leads and representatives.
3. Consult with leadership and other stakeholders.
$ADUsers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Old_VDI_Group" foreach ($User in $ADUsers) { Get-ADUser $User -Properties Department | Select-Object SAMAccountName, Name, Department | Export-Csv .\Old_VDI_Group.csv -Append }
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