PS> PVS/MCS Sealing Script (Seal-Image)
The following script can simply be used as a template for other sealing scripts. Some of the information have been updated by my colleagues over the last month or so.
This version is different from that written by a colleague (Caige Kelly) on a different engagement, but the key functionality is very similar.
This version is different from that written by a colleague (Caige Kelly) on a different engagement, but the key functionality is very similar.
Tip: The script has Comment-based Help included.

<# .SYNOPSIS Seals the current system to prepare for snapshot and deployment. Must be run in an administrative context. .DESCRIPTION The Seal-Image.ps1 script performs various sealing tasks and saves details to the following files: - .\Seal-Image-Transcript_(date_time).log - .\Seal-Image_Manifest.log .PARAMETER SkipManifest Skips the prompts for the administrator to enter a list of changes to record in the manifest. .PARAMETER PromptAll Forces prompts for all, except when the -SkipManifest parameter is used (administrator is not prompted for entering info into the manifest) .INPUTS Download DELPROF2.EXE from: Download Reset-TSGracePeriod.ps1 from: .OUTPUTS FILE: Seal-Image-Transcript-(date_time).log Contains the host output of each sealing task. A separate log file is created every time the script is launched. FILE: Seal-Image-Manifest.log Contains the log of changes reported by the administrator performing the sealing activities. .NOTES CHANGE LOG: 1.0 : - Initial Release 1.1 : - Added -PromptAll switch parameter support - Added Action: Disable the Adobe Acrobat Update Service (AdobeARMservice) - Added Action: Disable the Google Update Service (gupdate) - Added Action: Disable the Google Update Service (gupdatem) .EXAMPLE PS> .\Seal-Image.ps1 #> #Requires -RunAsAdministrator param ( [switch]$SkipManifest = $false, [switch]$PromptAll = $false ) function Get-TimeStamp {Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss} function Start-ManifestEntry{ Write-Host "`n******$CurrentAction*****" (Get-TimeStamp) + ": $CurrentAction (Start)" | Tee-Object $ManifestLogFile -Append if ($PromptAll -eq $true) { Write-Host "Do you wish to continue with *$CurrentAction* (" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "y/n" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ")?" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline $Continue = Read-Host if ($Continue -eq "n") { Write-Host "Skipping $CurrentAction." | Tee-Object $ManifestLogFile -Append $ContinueAction = $false }} $script:ActionStart = Get-Date } function End-ManifestEntry{ $ActionEnd = Get-Date $ActionDuration = [math]::Round(($ActionEnd.Subtract($script:ActionStart)).TotalSeconds, 2) (Get-TimeStamp) + ": $CurrentAction (End: $ActionDuration sec.)" | Tee-Object $ManifestLogFile -Append $ContinueAction = $true } $script:TranscriptLogFile = $PSScriptRoot + "\Seal-Image-Transcript_" + (Get-TimeStamp) + ".log" $script:ManifestLogFile = $PSScriptRoot + "\Seal-Image-Manifest.log" $script:ContinueAction = $true $script:SealStart = Get-Date Clear-Host Start-Transcript -Path $TranscriptLogFile |Out-Null "================================ Begin Seal-Image ===============================" | Out-File $ManifestLogFile -Append ############################################################# ## Collecting a manifest of changes from the administrator if ($SkipManifest -eq $true) { (Get-TimeStamp) + ": Skipping Manifest collection because of the -SkipManifest parameter." | Tee-Object $ManifestLogFile -Append } else { $CurrentAction = "Collecting a manifest of changes from the administrator" Start-ManifestEntry # Collect input until '[quit]' is entered in a single line $AdminInput = @() $InputLine = '' Write-Host "Describe an image change in each line. Enter" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [quit] " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host "in a new line to exit: " -ForegroundColor Green While($InputLine -ne "[quit]"){ If ($InputLine -ne $null){ $AdminInput += "CHANGE: " + $InputLine.Trim() } $InputLine = Read-Host } $AdminInput = $AdminInput[1..($AdminInput.Length-1)] $AdminInput | Tee-Object $ManifestLogFile -Append End-ManifestEntry } ################################### ## Displaying installed Hotfixes $CurrentAction = "Displaying the Installed Microsoft Hotfixes" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Get-Hotfix | Sort-Object -Property InstalledOn } End-ManifestEntry ################################################## ## Updating the Micorosft PowerShell help files $CurrentAction = "Updating the Microsoft PowerShell help files" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Update-Help -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } End-ManifestEntry ############################# ## Clearing All Event Logs $CurrentAction = "Clearing All Event Logs" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & wevtutil.exe el | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray "Clearing $_" wevtutil.exe cl "$_" 2>$null } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } End-ManifestEntry ######################################## ## Clearing IE Cookies, History, etc. $CurrentAction = "Clearing IE Cookies, History, etc." Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351 | Wait-Process } End-ManifestEntry ################################################ ## Emptying the downloaded MS Updates Folder $CurrentAction = "Emptying the downloaded MS Updates Folder" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Remove-Item -Path C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\* -Filter * -Recurse } End-ManifestEntry ##################################### ## Removing Phantom Drive Mappings $CurrentAction = "Removing Phantom Drive Mappings" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_Users -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path HKU:\.DEFAULT\Network\* -Filter * -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-PSDrive HKU -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } End-ManifestEntry ########################### ## Clearing Temp Folders $CurrentAction = "Clearing Temp Folders" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Remove-Item -Path C:\Windows\Temp\* -Filter * -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path C:\Temp\* -Filter * -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path $env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\* -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } End-ManifestEntry ######################################## ## Deleting Unnecessary User Profiles $CurrentAction = "Deleting Unnecessary User Profiles" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { $CommandToRun = (Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Parent) + "\DELPROF2.EXE" $CommandArgs = "/Q" # '/L' for DEBUG, '/Q' for PROD & $CommandToRun $CommandArgs } End-ManifestEntry ########################### ## Applying Group Policy $CurrentAction = "Applying Group Policy" if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Write-Host "Please wait..." Start-ManifestEntry Start-Process GPUPDATE.EXE -ArgumentList '/Force' -Wait } End-ManifestEntry ################################ ## Uninstalling the GFI Agent $CurrentAction = "Uninstalling the GFI Agent" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & MsiExec.exe /X {160301DE-306A-4ADE-8A47-BC5790AF0486} /PASSIVE /NORESTART } End-ManifestEntry ################################# ## Disabling Hybernate Feature $CurrentAction = "Disabling Hybernate Feature" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & POWERCFG.EXE /HIBERNATE OFF } End-ManifestEntry ################################### ## Resetting the TS Grace Period # Only run in a Server operating system $WinClass = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray "System" ($WinClass).Name if (($WinClass).ProductType -eq 3){ # Server OS (non-Domain Controller). Reset the Grace Period. $CurrentAction = "Resetting the TS Grace Period" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & "$PSScriptRoot\Reset-TSGracePeriod.ps1" } End-ManifestEntry } ########################################## ## Disabling the Windows Update Service $CurrentAction = "Disabling the Windows Update Service" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Stop-Service -Name wuauserv Set-Service -Name wuauserv -StartupType Disabled } End-ManifestEntry ########################################## ## Disabling the Google Update Services $CurrentAction = "Disabling the Google Update Services" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Stop-Service -Name gupdate Set-Service -Name gupdate -StartupType Disabled Stop-Service -Name gupdatem Set-Service -Name gupdatem -StartupType Disabled } End-ManifestEntry ################################################ ## Disabling the Adobe Acrobat Update Service $CurrentAction = "Disabling the Adobe Acrobat Update Service" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Stop-Service -Name AdobeARMservice Set-Service -Name AdobeARMservice -StartupType Disabled } End-ManifestEntry ###################################### ## Clearing out the Citrix UPM logs $CurrentAction = "Clearing out the Citrix UPM logs" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { Stop-Service -Name ctxProfile Remove-Item -Path C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\UserProfileManager\* -Filter * -Recurse # Skip restarting the service until next reboot. } End-ManifestEntry ######################## ## Flushing DNS Cache $CurrentAction = "Flushing DNS Cache" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & IPCONFIG /flushdns #/renew } End-ManifestEntry ############################################# ## Releasing the IP lease back in the pool $CurrentAction = "Releasing the IP lease" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { & IPCONFIG /release } End-ManifestEntry <# ############## ## TEMPLATE $CurrentAction = "Templating the Stuffing" Start-ManifestEntry if ($script:ContinueAction -eq $true) { ## MEAT ## } End-ManifestEntry #> Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "NOTE: If the paravirtual drivers (VMWare Tools) was updated, please review the network adapter settings." Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Congratulations! Seal-Image has completed its activities." Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Please hit the [Enter] key to continue." -NoNewline Read-Host | Out-Null $SealEnd = Get-Date $SealDuration = [math]::Round(($SealEnd.Subtract($SealStart)).TotalSeconds, 2) "================================= End Seal-Image ================================= (Total: $SealDuration sec.)" | Out-File $ManifestLogFile -Append Stop-Transcript | Out-Null # shutdown -s -t 300
First published: Jan 01, 2020
Thank you. Can you make this script a download instead of a copy-paste? The last line should be deleted.
ReplyDeletelooks like script is not skipping an action if you're hitting "N" in there "Do you wish to continue with *$CurrentAction*