PS> Get a List of Citrix Delivery Groups then show the member VDA uptime statistics
In a typical deployment scenario, the following script can be remotely invoked or ran directly on a Citrix DDC, where the PowerShell snap-ins are installed.
Tip: You can install the same PowerShell snap-ins on an administrative jumpbox. The Windows Installer packages can be found in the Citrix ISO's \x64 folder.
Sample Output
Single Delivery Group selected |
All Delivery Groups selected |
Script: Get-VDAUptime
Add-PSSnapin citrix* $RebootOldAvailableVDAs = $false $DGList = @() $Item = 0 Function Prompt-Reboot { Write-Host "Do you wish to reboot 'Available' systems with more than 24hr uptimes?" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $RebootPrompt = Read-Host " [y/n] (n)" if ($RebootPrompt -eq "y") {$script:RebootOldAvailableVDAs = $true} } Function Show-n-Bounce-VDA { param([int]$DGNumber = 0) # Measure elapsed time of the function $FunctionStartDTM = Get-Date # Get a collection of machines from the delivery group $DeliveryGroup = $DGList[$DGNumber] "== Delivery Group: " + $DeliveryGroup + " ==" $Machines = Get-BrokerMachine -DesktopGroupName $DGList[$DGNumber] $LastBootTime = "" # Get the uptime for each machine enumerated foreach ($MachineID in $Machines) { # Determine if the VDA is in maintenance mode if ($MachineID.InMaintenanceMode -eq "True") { $MaintStatus = "[MAINT]" $StatusColor = "Yellow" } else { $MaintStatus = "" $StatusColor = "White" } if ($MachineID.HostedMachineName) { if ($MachineID.PowerState -ne "Off") { $Server = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -cn $MachineID.HostedMachineName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Server.LastBootUpTime -eq $null){ Write-Host ($MachineID.HostedMachineName + "`t[N/A]`t`t" + $MaintStatus) -ForegroundColor Magenta } else { $LastBootTime = $Server.ConvertToDateTime($Server.LastBootUpTime) if ($LastBootTime -ne "") { $UpTime = $Now.Subtract($LastBootTime) $DurationHr = [int]([math]::Round($UpTime.TotalHours)) #Set Status color if uptime is > 24h if ($DurationHr -ge 24) {$StatusColor = "Yellow"} Else {$StatusColor = "White"} $Duration = "{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}" -f ($DurationHr), $UpTime.Minutes, $UpTime.Seconds Write-Host ($MachineID.HostedMachineName.PadRight(15) + "`t" ) -ForeGroundColor $StatusColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ($MachineID.SummaryState.ToString().PadRight(13) + "`t") -ForeGroundColor $StatusColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ($Duration + "`t") -ForeGroundColor $StatusColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ("[" + $MachineID.SessionCount + "] `t") -ForeGroundColor $StatusColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ($MaintStatus.PadRight(7)) -ForeGroundColor $StatusColor # Reboot computer as requested if (($RebootOldAvailableVDAs -eq $True) -and ($DurationHr -ge 24) -and ($MachineID.SummaryState -eq "Available")){ Write-Host "Restarting " ($MachineID.HostedMachineName) "..." -ForegroundColor Cyan Restart-Computer $MachineID.HostedMachineName } } } } else { Write-Host ($MachineID.HostedMachineName + "`t[Off]`t`t" + $MaintStatus) -ForegroundColor Yellow } } else { Write-Host "No Machines defined in the Delivery Group" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } # Display the total elapsed time of processing the Delivery Group $ElapsedFunctionDTM = ((Get-Date) - $FunctionStartDTM).ToString("hh\:mm\:ss") Write-Host ("Delivery Group Elapsed time: " + $ElapsedFunctionDTM) # Display Total Sessions in the Delivery Group $TotalSessions = (Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name $DGList[$DGNumber]).Sessions Write-Host "Total Sessions: `t$TotalSessions" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "`n" } ######## START SCRIPT ######## # Get reference time $Now = Get-Date # Get the list of delivery groups $DeliveryGroups = Get-BrokerDesktopGroup # List the Delivery Groups for user selection foreach ($DG in $DeliveryGroups) { if ($DG.InMaintenanceMode -eq $True) { Write-Host ("`t" + ($Item++).ToString() + "`t" + $DG.Name + " [MAINT]") -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-Host ("`t" + ($Item++).ToString() + "`t" + $DG.Name) -ForegroundColor White } $DGList += $DG.Name } # Prompt the user for the Delivery Group # (or [a]ll) Write-Host "Please enter the number corresponding to the Delivery Group" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $DGNumber = Read-Host " ([a] for all)" # Measure elapsed time of the script (after the last prompt) $ScriptStartDTM = Get-Date if ($DGNumber -match "a") { Prompt-Reboot # Prompt user for reboots # Walk through each DG $Script:Item = 0 foreach ($DG in $DeliveryGroups) { # Show Delivery Group and their machines; reboot/skip if applicable Show-n-Bounce-VDA -DGNumber $Script:Item $Script:Item++ } } elseif (([int]$DGNumber -ge 0) -and ([int]$DGNumber -le $DGList.GetUpperBound(0))) { Prompt-Reboot # Prompt user for reboots # Show Delivery Group and their machines; reboot/skip if applicable Show-n-Bounce-VDA -DGNumber $DGNumber } else { Write-Host "Invalid Number. Please try again. ($DGNumber)" } # Display the total elapsed time of processing the Delivery Group $ElapsedScriptDTM = ($(Get-Date) - $ScriptStartDTM).ToString("hh\:mm\:ss") Write-Host ("Total Elapsed time: " + $ElapsedScriptDTM) -ForegroundColor Green
Initial Release: Dec 03, 2019Dec 30, 2019:
- Changed output color for uptimes of 24hrs and up
Jan 02, 2020:
- Added the Availability of the VDAs
Feb 19, 2020:
- Added option to reboot Available VDAs with uptimes of 24hrs and up
- Added Total Sessions at the end of the list
- Added all Delivery Groups as an option
- Display the elapsed time to process the selected Delivery Group(s).
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