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HowTo: Remove Storage Replication with no impact

One of the little gotchas when managing Volume Replication is that when you try to remove volume replication, the service can become unavailable temporarily. This can be mitigated or avoided altogether by doing the tasks in order:
  1. Log on to the target replica and open an Administrative PowerShell host.
  2. Run the following command: Get-SRPartnership | Remove-SRPartnership
  3. Validate it by reviewing the Event Log on that server. The following are expected: 
    • Error Event 5014: Connection lost to share hosting the partner replica. *
    • Info Event 5005: Destination entered stand-by state.
    • Warning Event 4004: Failed to establish a connection to a remote computer
    • Info Event 2202: Stop replication for replica. *
    • Info Event 5011: Attempted to take Replication Group offline. *
    • Info Event 12008: Made this replication group the destination of replication
  4. Run the following command: Get-SRGroup | Remove-SRGroup
  5. Validate it by reviewing the Event Log. The following is expected:
    • Info Event 12002: Removed an existing replication group *
  6. Log on to the source replication server and open an Administrative PowerShell host.
  7. Run the following: Get-SRGroup | Remove-SRGroup
  8. Validate it by reviewing the Event Log. You should see:
    • Info Event 12002: Removed an existing replication group.
* These events are also present on the source replica server at the time of removing the SRPartnership.

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