PS> Use the FileSystemWatcher class to monitor a folder instead of looping.
Background At some point or another, an administrator will ask themselves, "I just need some way to monitor changes to a specific folde...
Background At some point or another, an administrator will ask themselves, "I just need some way to monitor changes to a specific folde...
About In a typical deployment scenario, the following script can be remotely invoked or ran directly on a Citrix DDC, where the PowerShe...
Part 2 of 3 The second report I needed to generate was a list of users who are current users of the new VDI environment, which was rol...
Test for PS Remoting Run the command from an administrative machine: Enter-PSSession -ComputerName LAB-CLI-01 Enable PS Remoting ...
About The following script can simply be used as a template for other sealing scripts. Some of the information have been updated by my c...
Script: Get-MCInfo Add-PSSnapin citrix* $MachineCatalogs = Get-BrokerCatalog $MCList = @() $Item = 0 #Clear-Host # List the Ma...
In order to host Citrix sessions on a Windows Server Operating System, Microsoft Remote Desktop License Servers and having the Citrix VDAs...
Background Occasionally, a colleague would ask if it's possible to run a script on a Windows endpoint or VDI/RDSH desktop when a user...
Code asnp Citrix* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue function Receive-Info { process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor DarkGreen } } function ...
Options, including a downloadable PowerShell script: PowerShell st...